Amazing Love Fellowship International (Global outreach)

This is a new branch of our ministry where we are launching forth in establishing church ministry in various parts of the world. As of now we have planted two churches in Kenya and another in the Philippine Islands

preaching in UgandaPastor Lenny Wells preaching in Mokono, Uganda

Pastor Moses Busia,Kenya

Pastor Moses in front of the Amazing Love Fellowship International church, of which Pastor Lenny is the overseer (Busia, Kenya)

Pastor Lenny-Philippine

Pastor Lenny Wells preaching in the Philippine Islands at Amazing Life Fellowship where Pastor Joe DeMaria is the resident pastor

Pastor Lenny-Kenya

Pastor Lenny Wells preaching in Nakuru, Kenya at the Gospel Prayer Centre

Pastor Lenny-Kenya

Pastor Lenny Wells preaching in Nairobi, Kenya at the Gospel Prayer Centre

Pastor Lenny

Reaching souls for Christ through basketball evangelism in the Philippines